The TriLynx NovaStar5 system manages real-time precipitation, atmospheric, surface water, ground water, water quality, and other data. The NovaStar5 system has been implemented for numerous clients for flood detection and warning systems as well as for water resources monitoring. Examples of client implementations include:
Autoridad del Canal de Panamá – Water Supply Monitoring
The Autoridad del Canal de Panamá relies on an extensive monitoring network to manage the water supply available to operate the locks of the Panama Canal. NovaStar5 has been the heart of their data collection system since 1985 and continues to function as their primary data collection and management tool.

National Park Service, Lake Mead National Recreation Area – Emergency Response
The Lake Mead National Recreation Area operates real-time monitoring systems at a number of their recreation areas (Las Vegas Bay, Willow Beach, Cottonwood Cove and surrounding areas) in order to provide flood warning in recreational areas, camp grounds and roads. Some of these systems were installed in the late 80’s and have migrated from the earliest ALERT technologies to the current standard. Recent upgrades include sirens and roadway flashers controlled by the primary NovaStar5 base station running in Boulder City, Nevada. The system provides flash flood warning to populations of short-term recreationalists in remote locations.
Denver Urban Drainage and Flood Control District – Water Resources/Flood Warning
The (UDFCD) in Denver, Colorado operates one of the longest-running and most spatially extensive ALERT-based flood monitoring networks in the United States. The UDFCD control center has relied on NovaStar5 as their primary archive for stream gage records spanning more than a century, as well as for ongoing monitoring of a system of over two hundred precipitation and stream gages. The UDFCD coordinates closely each flood season with local flood responders within its jurisdiction. Data collected by the system is used for flood plain management and supports stormwater engineering efforts.
The City of Loveland, Colorado sits at the mouth of the Big Thompson River Canyon and has been impacted by that river’s remarkable history of serious and life-threatening flooding, including major events in 1976 and 2013. Loveland relies on a specialized ALERT-based monitoring network and the NovaStar5 base station software to keep their stormwater engineering and emergency management staffs forewarned and informed during flood-producing events.
Ventura County Watershed Protection District, California
The Ventura County Watershed Protection District, California operates an extensive ALERT-based flood monitoring network of more than ninety precipitation and stream gages. The District has relied on NovaStar5 as their primary data collection and management system. In addition the District relies on NovaStar5 to ingest data from GOES sites operated by the USGS and the California Division of Water Resources.