The TriLynx Bridge Monitor is a real-time interactive dashboard for monitoring critical bridges. The dashboard displays bridge movement, stream bed level, active scour, and more. Cellular or satellite telemetry transmits bridge data to a cloud-hosted TriLynx NovaStar5 management and warning system.

The NovaStar5 database provides complete data management: storage, quality control, alarm checking against user-defined limits, and notification to email and cell phones. Bridge Monitor utilizes NovaStar5 bridge data and presents each station’s data in an intuitive, concise dashboard display. Bridge Monitor offers graphical views for water level relative to the bridge’s infrastructure (low chord, deck etc.). Historical data in spreadsheet form is available for download.

Externally sourced data from FEMA, USGS, and the National Weather Service is integrated to the Bridge Monitor map displays to provide situational awareness and potential bridge impacts.
A station’s display can toggle between desired parameters according to the environmental risks of a location.